We applied GroundKeeper fertilizer and are very pleased with the results. Not only is the grass thick but a lovely shade of green. Looking forward what the lawns will look like later in the summer.

Thank You,
Colin and Gail Campbell

Hello Johnny!!

I told you this winter I would send you a snap shot of my grass come nicer weather!

This is what my backyard looks like with two dogs! All I use is groundskeeper to fertilize, you'd never know the dogs were here! No pee spots or browning.

Hope you're well!!

- Alesha Schwan

I would like to let you know how happy I am with your products. I always keep a nice lawn but noticed the last couple years it was not performing as well as I liked. I applied GroundKeeper fertilizer last fall than this spring power raked and applied both GroundKeeper fertilizer and lawn seed. The results are a lush green lawn. A number of people in the community I live in have commented I have the nicest lawn in town. Great products which I highly recommend.

- Evan Zilkowsky

This is a before and after 1 week later how ground keeper fixed and made green again.

Thank you,
Denis Schell

Hi Johnny,

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to meet you today. And thank you so much for the bag of fertilizer. I can't say enough good things about you and Ground Keeper Fertilizer. You have always responded to my questions regarding the product and went above and beyond to help me in every aspect. You just don't see that kind of customer service anymore. Not even close. Ground Keeper Fertilizer has been unbelievable. When compared to the fertilizer I use to use, there's absolutely no comparison. The thickness and health of my grass has never been better. When compared to my neighbours brand, there's no comparison. All you have to do is look at the side by side picture to see. Even at the end of October, our grass has not discoloured or changed but is green and thick like it was all summer. It's the nicest lawn in the entire neighbourhood. I know my family and friends will be picking up some Ground Keeper Fertilizer next Spring.

Thank you again,


Hello Groundkeeper, the best lawn fertilizer ever, see photos of my lawn in 2021 and 2022, I had the worst lawn in the neigborhood and look at me now! Thanks, Nick Lucyk

Groundkeeper - Testimonials Groundkeeper - Testimonials

Hey Johnny, this is a fresh cut and most patches have disappeared. You can see some heat damage perhaps in some spots. Hope you’re having a great summer my friend! - Tim

Groundkeeper - Testimonials Groundkeeper - Testimonials Groundkeeper - Testimonials

Good morning John,

We are just wanting to share how thrilled we are with Ground Keeper! We have lived in our house for 12 years and have been trying to improve our lawn, but nothing has had a bigger impact than with the addition of Ground Keeper fertilizer. From the moment we spread the first treatment I could tell this was a superior product. Within days our lawn started to green up and have a beautiful colour that would only improve after the weeks following that initial treatment. By the time we were ready for the second treatment our lawn looked fantastic. We now have neighbours commenting on how great our lawn looks! I’ve noticed how our lawn is stronger and thicker. It seems to be choking out more and more weeds because of the health of the grass. But the colour! Nothing has ever made our lawn so green that I can only imagine a comparison would be a lawn in Ireland.

Thank you for such a fantastic, quality product that really delivers!

Jordan Korchinski

Groundkeeper - Testimonials

Groundkeeper - Testimonials Groundkeeper - Testimonials

Groundkeeper - Testimonials Groundkeeper - Testimonials

"We used it for the first time at the lake and Wow! The neighbors have been asking how I keep my grass so much greener than the rest. Seems to be the grounds keeper is the reason."

"I've never seen such huge changes from one application. Everyone that sees it is amazed and is sold right there. Our condo complex is looking into using it for all grass areas. My lawn is in the foreground and used to look exactly like the stuff across the street. Thanks a lot."